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Adolescent Health

The Adolescent Health Program (AHP) works to support the healthy growth and development of local youth through education and navigation. We partner with other local agencies to help educate parents/guardians and adolescents on healthy adolescent growth and development based on Bright Futures and the American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines. We can also provide navigation services to help you find the health care you or your child needs.

Programs and Education

Pediatric to Adult Healthcare Transition

Healthcare transition is the process of changing from an adolescent healthcare provider to an adult provider. The goal is to guide you along the path of learning about your own healthcare and how to use healthcare services as you grow, ultimately leading to better healthcare outcomes and increased independence.


Pediatric to Adult Healthcare Transition Presentation 

Adolescent Healthcare Transition Brochure

Safe Dates

This evidence-based program helps teens recognize the difference between caring, supportive relationships and controlling, manipulative, or abusive relationships. It is during the critical preteen and teen years that young people begin to learn the skills needed to create and foster positive relationships. Safe Dates equips young people with the tools they need to develop these important life skills.


Safe Dates: An Introduction to Teen Dating Abuse Presentation

Healthy Teen Relationships Presentation


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